No Games Feb 17. Happy Family Day!
In the event of a fire alarm, please exit the building immediately by the nearest exit and proceed to the front of the building. Doors are not to be propped open. Remain outside of the building until given the all clear by authorities. Failure to observe this procedure may put your safety at risk, first responders at risk and our permit at risk. Thank you for your cooperation.
CAPTAINS: Please report your scores.
We are back to our traditional 18 team league. The 9:00 game in gym 3 returns to its traditional role as an exhibition game between the two "extra" teams each week. These games do not count in the standings and scores need not be reported.
We must put up the nets prior to the 7:00 games and, after the 9:00 games are complete, please remember that we are responsible for taking down the nets and putting them away. Please use the hangers, provided, and hang the nets up, neatly, in the equipment room.
We play for fun and exercise. Respect for our referees, other players and school staff is an absolute requirement.
Please note that league email will now be coming from '' Please watch for messages and add us to your "safe senders" list.
We play 3 sets to 25. All sets are capped at 27. All of the rules can be found on the website.
Captains are responsible for reporting the scores each week by logging into the website.
No outdoor shoes are to be worn in the gym. Please leave your outdoor shoes in the hallway outside the gym.
Our permit runs from 7:00 until 10:00. We may not have access to the gym before 7:00 and we must be out by 10:00. The doors to the school will be open only between 6:45 and 7:15. Please be mindful of these times and respectful of school staff.
We play for fun and for exercise. Please treat your teammates, opposing teams and officials with respect. Referees have absolute discretion and their decisions are final.
Have fun and stay safe.